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When I Questioned My self about Michael...

Prose for the hearts and minds of the deepest Michael Fans.

Sitting and staring into Michael's eyes, so thoughtful, so deep, on the screen of digital technology, so helpful, my passport to Michael. I sat. And sat forever, staring, reading, accumuilating, and replaying. so much that once I slowed down and questioned my love, no, my surroundance of him and his force, his small figure, but his massive soul. I had misplaced the meaning of Michael. and in my state of bewhilderment, i came to a rounded interrigation for myself. I asked my self "my God, what am i looking for? What do I ...we see in his place that we do not see anywhere else? Why do we want to delve so deeply and almost become this man?" Moments later I laughed at the question. "I am a Michael Jackson fan" ym soul whispered so intensly, "I am a Michael Jackson fan" more excitement rang in my ears, "MY GOD! I WILL SING IT LOUD FROM THE ROOF TOPS! I AM A MIHAEL JACKSON FAN! I UNDERSTAND HIM! I HAVE A PEICE OF THIS MEGOCITY!" for you see my friends, we are as much as a part of him as he is a part of us. We have created this superstar. We are the ones that have asked extrodianry things of him only to be taken aback when he acomplishes them with flying colors. That is what I see in him....Who I am inside, amazement is not even the word. Lets praise the lord so graciously for this gift of peace, for Michael Jackson. Now and forever, Amen :-)

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