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My Life With Michael

He Is So Great!

When I was younger I never really listened to any music at all, but for some reason or the other I still managed to find out who Michael Jackson was. I fell in love with him, and I don't think I can dig myself out of this one! People now a days try and label him like he is some sort of average Joe, however, they do not realize the impact that this man has had on numerous people throughout the entire globe! Call me a crazed fan, or even phsyco if you will, but I will refuse to stop loving Michael Jackson despite what the media tries to shove down our throats. I can't say that he is just as normal as the next person because I know that he isn't! He lives his life the way that we all want to but are scared of what other people might think if we do. Michael lets himself act without analyzing it to death because that is the way life should be lived: spontaneous, adventurous, and inspiring. Many of my friends and family think that me loving Michael Jackson is just my "hook" if you will, for attention. My love for Michael's personality, trends, music, and life are all very genuine. To all the hattaz that try and hold Michael down and say that he molestes children, or he is gay, whatever, that's why y'all are standin' still, and Michael is just "shaken y'all hattaz off" None of you'z could ever phase him aight! So just go to sleep hoes!

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