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My name is Amanda and i'm only 16. So your probably thinking that i know nothing about anything. But i can tell you what i know a lot about. Michael Jackson. Here's my little article about the man who i love and admire for his strength and his amazing talent. His background and his so-called childhood has effected him in such a bad way that he obviously hasnâ??t got over it and this is why he is continuously changing his image. This may sound strange but I think that by changing his face he feels like a different person and whenever he feels sad or angry with someone he wants to become someone else, he may feel better looking different, just like a fresh beginning. No matter how he looks, or how scary he may look, you got to think of it like this, this isnâ??t his true face, this isnâ??t how he really looks, deep down underneath that surgery he is a normal looking man and he isnâ??t white, he isnâ??t ugly. He may as well wear a mask itâ??s not him. Itâ??s a mask. He is hiding behind a face, which isnâ??t his. This child molesting crap that you keep bringing up is ridiculous. One 13-year-old boy brought this up to make money. I think that his mother may have made this child lie in order to make that 20 million dollars. Michael Jackson was the easy target. He was the one to help the children in our world he was the one to love and care for children. This made making up those charges so easy for this family. Why on earth would Michael Jackson want to do this to children? If anyone were to do it, it would be some sick physco-path, which would defiantly not have been famous. Heâ??s not stupid, heâ??s probably one of the most famous men in the world and that would be pathetically thick for him to do that. After this 13-year-old boy made up this shit, people started to see how much money his family made out of this crap and other families had a go themselves. Michael Jackson had to pay the money otherwise this crap would be hanging over him for the rest of his life.

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