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Michael Jackson Virgo

From One Virgo To Another

Greetings, my name is Micheal. I am a longtime fan of Micheal Jackson.This site has a true ghost story below. I grew up in the sixties and remember the music of Michael. I hope you enjoy this site. Peace.
In the spring of 1996 I was sitting in a downtown cafe in St.Catharines Ontario Canada . While gazing out the window my friend and fellow psychic Colette came in . She sat down and asked if she could speak with me . She had been going through a hard time and felt the presence of her deceased father . Because of the turmoil in her life at the time she wasnt sure if he was really there or if it was just wishful thinking . She asked if I sensed anything . I told her that I felt a presence and that it wasnt over yet . I felt her father was trying to show her that he was with her in her time of need . She asked me to accompany her to her daughters . I agreed . While walking to her daughters we came upon an antique store . As we approached the door two men carried out a piano . Colette said - Oh my god thats my fathers piano . It seems it was the very piano her father had owned . Things were getting weird . When we got to her daughters house , her daughter opened the door and said have you felt grandpa around - I heard his voice over the baby monitor last night . Not only had she heard his voice but when she was a child he would leave candy under her pillow and when she awoke this morn there was candy under her pillow . I did a tarot reading for her and told her grandpa was trying to convince Colette he was there and it wasnt over yet . As I was a spoken word artist , we left the daughters house to attend a poetry recital . As our friend Red was singing and playing the harp Colette began to weep . When I inquired she said - I see my father standing beside red . I had felt a presence as had our friends Andy , tyler , Mike and Matt . It was then that something happened to push this past the realm of coincidence . Colette and I were sitting in the centre of the room against a wall . Approximately 80 people were there . A woman none of us knew who had never been to a group before approached Colette and I and said - I'm not psychic or anything but when that lady was singing I saw a man standing beside her . That was the final piece Colette needed to convince her . We have not seen that woman since . This is a story of a Fathers Love transcending even Death .

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