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Punishment or Pleasure? Part 1
Khia here again,I was gonna let the intro in Michael's words simmer and bathe in the moonlight(lol)I was warming up,it's my first story but I decided to give you all the 1st part. Thanks to everyone who liked the story. Enjoy:) Tonight I had a great time, my best friend Terri got me out of the house. Neverland is a big place but sometimes at night the animals make noises and they scare the crap out me or the music from the carousel comes on by itself and gives me the jumps. That's why I was so glad the Terri and I went to a nightclub,we had a few drinks,laughed and joked around,then these two goreous men approach us.Denzel and Alonzo were their names.Denzel was very interested in Terri,so he asked her to dance.While they disappear off onto the dancefloor,Alonzo and I stayed back and made conversation. Me: You don't dance? Alonzo: No,I'm not the dancing type. Me: Really?...Wow,my husband's a dance-Aholic. Alonzo: You're married? Me: Yes. Alonzo: I am too. Me: Are you? Alonzo: Yeah...two years now...how long have you been married? Me: Just a little over a year. Alonzo: I tell ya, Denzel had to practically drag me out of my house because I've been so sad and depressed. Me: Aw...why? Alonzo: My wife is never home. Me: Wow, this is so crazy. Alonzo: Why do you say that? Me: Because my husband is never home. Alonzo: What does he do? Me: He's an entertainer...as soon as we got married...three months later he has to go to work on his album...it's been fifteen months, how long does it take to make an album? Alonzo: Tell me about it...my wife is an actress and has been working on her next movie for the past six months. Me: It's ruff ain't it? Alonzo: Yeah, it is. Alonzo and I were suprised that we had so much in commom,our marriges were so similar and we had most of the same feelings. He and I talked all night, we were there until the club closed at 3a.m. Alonzo and Denzel offered to walk us to the car. Me: I gotta tell you I feel so relieved to talk to someone who understands my situation...Terri is alway sayin' "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" I don't wanna seem like I'm complaining because I know that it's his job, I knew that when I married him. Alonzo: Denzel's the same way,they don't get it(pauses and looks around)...uh...is it okay if...? Me: If what? Alonzo: If I get your number...I could really use a friend like you. Me: Sure...(writes down my number and gives it to him) Alonzo: Thanks and here's my number if you ever wanna call me. Me: Thank you. Alonzo: It was so nice to meet you,I enjoyed talking to you. Me: Likewise. Denzel: Come on man, we gotta get going I got to go to work at 5:30. Alonzo: I'm coming! Alonzo: Bye. Me(waves) Bye. I get into the car and Terri's giving me this suspicous look. Terri: Girl, you betta watch yo' self. Me: What are you talking about? Terri: Those priveledges are over for you, you're a married woman now. Me: I know that, I didn't do anything wrong. Terri: I saw you exchange numbers with him. Me: So now I can't have friends of the opposite sex because I'm married. Terri: No,I'm not saying that...but you and what's his name were a little too freindly. Me: His name is Alonzo. Terri: Exhibit A. Me(laughs)Exhibit A?...That's his name...Alonzo, how is that exhibit A? Terri: I'm not answering that. Me: Because you have no answer. Terri: Anyway,Denzel told me about his situation,it's very simailar to yours and because of that the two of you have a lot in common but don't do nothing stupid. Me: Terri, you know me, I wouldn't do that eventhough Michael did it to me... Terri: But that was before you got married. Me: Yeah, but still...he cheated...I forgave and I love him, no other man is gonna come between me and the man I chose to marry...no man. Terri: Alright. Soon Terri's dropping me off at home, we say our goodbyes and again I walk into the house of dead silence and the occasional noises that so often scare me. All of the workers have gone home and it's just me again. I go to our bedroom, put on my pajamas, then I write about my day in my diary which keeps me somewhat occupied and takes my mind off of how lonely it is here. I write about what happened at the club with Alonzo.I took the piece of paper he gave me with his number on it and a little message at the bottom that said: I don't want this to be the end, I want to see you again, this is my number, don't hesitate to call, Alonzo. I put the piece of paper on the nightstand intending to put it back in my wallet after I got done writing. I ended up falling asleep. Michael gets home... Around 4:00 in the morning Michael finally gets home from the recording studio. He walks into the bedroom and as always I was asleep. He notices my diary is open, he walks over and takes it and closes it but then something tells him to read it. One minute he's thinking,"I don't wanna invade her privacey." then he thinks "She's my wife, we're supposed to be one, there is no privacy, there should be no secrets." He starts to open it and scans through the pages, tor the most part he finds that everything is okay until he gets to the last page and instead of scanning through it,he reads the whole thing. His eyes grew wide as he read the words. The first thing that poped into his head was..."She's cheating on me, oh God, she's can't be cheating on me." He soon sees the piece of paper wih Alonzo's name on it and the little message he wrote. Michael: This is not happening...is this some sort of payback...she wouldn't...tha't low...I thought she forgave me...maybe he's just a friend...but...(sighs)...I don't know. He goes into the other room to use the phone. He calls his brother Marlon. ...(phone rings)... Marlon(yawning) Hello? Michael: Marlon, it's me Michael. Marlon: Michael, its' 3 in the morning. Michael: I know but I need to talk to you. Marlon: What is it? Michael: I'm not sure, but I think Khia is cheating on me. Marlon: What? TBC...
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