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1987 lovers part 3
*hey guys, sorry this one took so long. i've been really busy with school and i've been sick. Here's part 3 enjoy. Kelly* Me: (I started shaking as the wind picked up) Dynasty please, find them! Dynasty: I canâ??t! Iâ??ve been looking for about 25 minutes, I donâ??t think Iâ??m gonna find them! Me: (I closed my eyes and started praying for something good to happen) As I opened my eyes, I saw a blue car pull up next to us. It was Bernie! Bernie got out of his car and rushed up to the door and opened it, we all ran inside and Bernie turned on the lights, I looked at him shaking. Bernie: Sorry there was a car accident on 23rd street and traffic was slow! Me: No kidding Dynasty: Bernie, could you help me find the keys to my car. Bernie: Whereâ??d they go? Dynasty: I dropped themâ?¦in a snow bank Bernie: (laughs for a second) alright, when the storm dies down. Me: Whereâ??s Michael? Bernie: He should be here soon Me: Oh. Okay Dynasty giggled for a second. I knew she was laughing at me, because I sorta have a crush on Michael, well actually I have a crush on him. I just giggled sarcastically in return. About 20 minutes later Michael arrived to the studio, when he walked in I looked at him and his cheeks were a little red and his hair was covered in snow, he was smiling and giggling a little bit. Michael: Gosh, itâ??s cold Bernie: (smiles) no kidding those 2 (points to Dynasty and I) were stuck outside for about an half an hour because someone lost their keys Dynasty: shut up itâ??s not funny! Michael: (brushes the snow out of his hair) you lost your keys? Dynasty: Yesâ?¦.. Michael: (he just shook his head and laughed a little bit and walked over to Bernie) Dynasty: (Sits down next to me and sighs) Me: You alright? Dynasty: Yeah, just a little tired Me: How do you think I feel? You rushed me this morning Dynasty: I called you and left a message, didnâ??t you get it? Me: No, I was about to check my messages when you rushed me! Bernie: Hey stop arguing over there Me: (I looked at Bernie) she started it Bernie: (Smiles) I donâ??t care who started it, Iâ??m gonna finish it Bernie and I laughed for a second; I saw Michael sitting in a chair with his hands folded looking at me smiling. I felt myself get nervous, so I looked away and started talking with Dynasty again. After about 6 hours in the studio we decided to leave, Bernie and Dynasty were looking for her keys in the snow bank while I sat inside, it was really quiet until Dynasty came in with the keys in her hands, I smiled in relief that she found them and I got up and followed her to the car. When we walked out I saw Michael talking to Bernie outside his limo. I walked up to my side of the car and the door handle had ice on it so I couldnâ??t open the door, I hit it a few times with my fist to break some of the ice off. When I finally opened the door I felt something hit my butt. My eyes grew wide and I looked at my butt to see that someone threw a snowball at me, I looked at Bernie and Michael, and Michael was trying so hard not to laugh. When he hid behind Bernie from me I picked up a little bit of snow and made it into a snow ball, when Michael stopped laughing he came out from behind Bernie and I threw the snowball at him and it hit him square in the chest, I smiled and got in the car. As Dynasty drove away I heard someone shout something Michael: Iâ??m gonna get you back!! Me: (I laugh and look out the windshield) Dynasty: You know heâ??s gonna get you back Me: I knowâ?¦. Dynasty: but you donâ??t know when Me: Thatâ??s what Iâ??m scared about Dynasty laughed and got on the highway. I wondered when Michael was gonna get me back and how. About 2 months have gone by; Michael is working on his video â??Badâ?. He and I have kept in touch with each other every now and then. Today I decided to head to the video shoot with Dynasty. When we got there it was a little chaotic everyone was everywhere, Dynasty went to use the bathroom down the hall and she left me standing outside of it waiting for her, I was thinking to myself when someoneâ??s hands grabbed onto my shoulders. ???: what are you doing here? To be continued...
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