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1991 lovers part 10
We were getting ready to record my part in the beginning; Michael kept looking at me when Iâ??d look at him heâ??d smile and wink which caused me to get a little shy. The director finally took notice and she smacked him in the chest, causing me to giggle. Michael: Ow, what was that for?! Lisa (Director): You know what that was for (smiles) stop flirting on camera, you can do it off Michael: (giggles) okay Lisa: alright Kelly, letâ??s see what you got. They told me to feel myself up a little for the beginning and as I did Michael would just stand there and watch biting his bottom lip. This was running pretty smoothly until Michael and I would do our parts together, weâ??d laugh a few times, or sometimes weâ??d get a little to close, when we recorded the part where Michael was dancing in front of me and I had my hands on the front of his jeans I moved my hand over so it touched his penis. The director yelled cut. I was hoping that they werenâ??t gonna put it in the video or notice, but they noticed. And Lisa just laughed and looked at me with a smile and she mouthed â??Niceâ? to me, I just giggled and went over to Michael. He looked at me smiling. Michael: thanks for that (he smiled and kissed me) Me: For what? Michael: you know what Me: Oh (I smiled) that Michael: (smiling) now you remember Me: Yeah yeah yeah whatever Lisa: Kelly can you come here, we need to run through something, and then weâ??ll take a break Me: coming (Thinking-â??break, finally!!â?) (I walked over to Lisa) Lisa: alright, now I need to know if you want to do this- As Lisa ran through some ideas for me, Michael walked over to the wall where we could spend sometime alone hopefully. I really wanted Lisa to hurry up or shut up because I wanted to be with Michael right now. After she finished talking we could finally take our break 15 minutes. I ran over to the wall where Michael was supposed to be, I walked behind it and I saw Michael leaning on the wall wearing sunglasses looking around the land, I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist and he looked at me and smiled. Me: You wanted to see me? Michael: (smiles) yes I did Me: well, whatâ??d you want to see me for? (I smiled) Michael: I couldnâ??t get enough of you (he got up from leaning on the wall and he moved in front of me and backed me up against the wall while he put both his hands on the wall trapping me in between them) I felt Michaelâ??s lips move to my neck and he started kissing my neck, I felt butterflies in my whole body, he almost made me go weak in the knees as he continued kissing my neck, the next thing I knew he was kissing my cleavage and I felt one of his hands moving up my leg underneath my skirt, I just giggled. He looked up at me and kissed me he didnâ??t pull away either and neither did I. I felt both of his hands move up the back of my skirt as we continued to kiss. He was really making me hot as I felt his tongue enter my mouth. *Back with the director* Lisa: itâ??s been 30 minutesâ?¦where are those two? Stormi: (walks up to Lisa) Hi Lisa Lisa: (looks at her) Hi sweetie, oh I love your make up it looks nice Stormi: Tanya did it and thank you Lisa: Youâ??re welcome, hey can you do me a little favor? Stormi: Okay Lisa: Go find your daddy and Kelly Stormi: Okay So Stormi walked off to find us. We didnâ??t know she was looking for us. Michael had me up against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist as we still continued to kiss, Michael was still making me feel hot and I felt that he was getting hard, I really wanted to get into it with but not here right now! But oh if I couldâ?¦my thoughts and our kissing were interrupted by a scream we looked at who was screaming and it was Stormi. Stormi: DADDY!!! To be continued... Be sure to vote :)
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