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1995 lovers part 7
Alright so today Iâ??m getting my blood transfusion, Iâ??m really relieved now. Michael still hasnâ??t told me heâ??s the donor, I wonder when he will? But whatever, I woke up to the doctors and nurses talking in my room, setting everything up for the blood transfusion. After they got everything set up the doctor walked over to me and smiled. Doctor: Hi Kelly, Iâ??m doctor Craig Me: Umâ?¦hello Doctor: Are you ready for your blood transfusion? Me: yeah, how long is it gonna take? Doctor: Well considering it takes about 2 to 3 hours for each blood unit (450 ml) possibly 9 hours Me: (eyes wide) wow thatâ??s a long time Doctor: Itâ??ll go by fast Me: I hope so Nurse: (hands the doctor my needle that will go into my arm with tubing on it) Doctor: alright, youâ??re gonna fell a small prick then itâ??ll go away Me: um, yeah (my voice sounded shakey) okay just get it in Doctor: (smiles) youâ??ll be okay The doctor poked the needle into my arm, and it hurt for a second then the pain went away, I looked at my hand because it was twitching, and it wouldnâ??t stop. Doctor Craig finally grabbed my hand and gave it a tight squeeze then let go, it stopped twitching. WAIT A MINUTE! Did he just grab my hand?! Oh hell if I wasnâ??t getting my blood transfusion right now, Iâ??d grab IV holder thing and beat him upside the head with it until he was knocked out cold. **9 hours later* The doctors would come in to check on me every 15 minutes, now theyâ??re taking the needle out of my arm, and wowâ?¦I donâ??t really feel any different at the moment but at least I got the transfusion over with. The doctors left me after checking through on things. A few more hours went by and I was sound asleep the next thing I knew I woke up with chills rapid heart rate and sudden high fever. What the heck is going on with me?!!! I got one of the nurses to come into my room then she ran out screaming for Doctor Craig he rushed into my room with the nurse right behind him. He walked over to me, and studied me then he walked out of the room, he did this about 10 times then he looked at me. Doctor: Youâ??re gonna be okay, weâ??re just gonna get you on some medication! (worried) Me: Doc whatâ??s going on with me? Doctor: Um NOTHING! (walks out of the room) Oh how am I going to tell Michael this?! Nurse: Come here sweetie (has my medication in a needle and walks up to me) Me: Tell me whatâ??s going on!!! Nurse: (moves the needle towards my arm) nothing (shaking) Me: (I knocked the needle away) tell me whats going on?! My abdominal started to hurt. I let out a huge scream and Doctor Craig ran back in. Doctor: Iâ??m calling your husband! Me: (thinking-â??Heâ??s not my husband yetâ?¦until we get marriedâ?) (I let out another scream in pain) Doctor: (Rushes out of the room and picks up the phone and dials Michaelâ??s number) **At home** Stormi: (lying in bed with her head under her pillow) stop ringing phone Michael: (Gets up and looks at the time) its 4 a.m. this better be important (answers the phone) hello? Doctor: Hello, is this Michael? Michael: yes, yes it is? (Hears me screaming in the back ground) whatâ??s going on?! Is Kelly alright?! Doctor: Just get down here! (he slammed the phone down) Michael woke Stormi up and they rushed to the hospital. Michael was shaking, Stormi was half awake, when they got into the hospital I was screaming bloody murder, Michael was about to run into my room when doctor Craig stopped him. Michael: What the heck is going on?!! Doctor: Umâ?¦Kellyâ?¦. Michael: Kelly what!?! Me: WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! Nurse: calm down sweetie Me: Do NOT call me that!! Nurse: well fine! JUST CALM DOWN! Doctor: (peaks his head in the door) stop arguing with the patient! Michael: (spots me and sees me sweating, shaking and my eyes are half open) Me: Tell me what the hell is wrong with me!! Doctor: (closes the door and looks at Michael) Michael: (about ready to slam him against the wall) tell me whatâ??s wrong with her! Doctor: Sheâ?¦has blood poisoningâ?¦ Michael: WHAT!!! to be continued...
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