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1995 lovers part 22
Iâ??m about 2 hours into labor and itâ??s killing me, the pain is excruciating and I think Michael could tell too. When I had a quick glance at him his facial expression looked like he was in as much pain as I was. Then I realized I was squeezing his hand extremely tight, I wanted to let go because I felt sorry for him but this pain is awful! I want this child out of me now!! Doctor: about 2 more pushes Kelly come on you can do it! Me: (pushing) Michael: (holding a damp cloth on my forehead) youâ??re doing good sweetheart Doctor: One more!! Me: (I took a deep breath and pushed) Doctor: Alright and hereâ??s your baby! The pain sorta disappeared, but I heard a baby crying. I smiled and felt a few tears running down my face Michael had tears running down his face and he was smiling. Michael got to cut the chord and they cleaned the baby off, they wrapped the baby in a pink blanket and put a little warm hat on her. I had a girl! Oh my god! I had a girl!! The doctor got my daughters foot prints and everything then handed her off to me, as I held her in my arms, she was awake but she looked half asleep, I took notice to it, but I donâ??t think Michael did. Michael: (kisses my forehead) whatâ??s her name? Me: (I smiled and looked at him) Alanna Jay Jackson? Michael: (smiles) I love it, I can see why you wanted me to wait Me: (I giggled) Michael kissed me again, the doctor wrote the name down. Alanna looked a lot like me, but I know sheâ??s got Mikeâ??s hair. I told the doctorâ??s about how she looked half asleep, and a little blue now, they took her from my hands and ran some tests on her right in the room while Michael and I stood there and watched worried. I sat up in my bed as the doctor came up to us. Doctor: Iâ??m sorryâ?¦. Me: (putting on my worried mother face) what?! Doctor: Alanna has a hole in her heart My heart sunk Doctor: sheâ??s going to have to be here for a couple months Me: a couple months! Doctor: if you want her to make a full recovery than yes Michael: alright Doctor: Iâ??m just going to have you guys sign some papers (hands Michael a clipboard with a thick pile of paper on it) Michael: (Takes it) alright The doctorâ??s left the room with Alanna, and I just sat there teary eyed looking at the door, Michael sat by my feet and looked at me. Michael: sheâ??s gonna be okay Me: My baby, Michael! She really didnâ??t get to spend time with us, how do you know sheâ??s gonna be okay!! Michael: Kelly hun Ssh (he grabbed onto my hand with his good one) everythingâ??s going to be okay, we can only pray now Me: (I grew quiet) We were released from the hospital later that day, Michael told his family and my family that was there Nadi and Stormi about Alanna, and they were all pretty upset. I felt awful not having my new child in my arms, and not having her around the house for 2 months, it was hard for me to depart without her. Over the past 2 months Iâ??ve gotten myself back into shape and on my old diet so my bodyâ??s back to normal, Michael had taken time off touring to stay with Stormi and I and today weâ??re going to the hospital to pick up Alanna! I think I was the most excited about it; because I kept asking Michael every 5 minutes when we were gonna leave. Maybe about 4 hours later we left, Stormi and I were very excited to see Alanna, but Michael and I were excited to finally have her as part of our lives and in our home. When we got there she was in the nursery, ready for home, Michael got to fill out the release forms and he came to find Stormi and I walking over to him with Alanna in my arms, I handed her to Michael and his face instantly lit up. We got into the SUV and were all looking at Alanna, she seemed perfectly fine and healthy, she even laughs at Michael and Stormi, which makes me smile. But the funny thing was when we all looked at her, she kinda had this kung fu action thing going on which caused Stormi to crack up and Michael just to bust out laughing with me. When we got home we all got out of the SUV and headed inside. Me: Welcome home Alanna Jay Jackson (smiling) To be continued... Next story is 1997 lovers so be looking out for that and i'll post it when i get 10+ votes!!
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