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Taken for Granted (Part 36)
Hey guys! Its me Sarah B. (hey a rhyme!) Here's part 36. By the way if u havent seen the porn sites that have been put up (which is impossible) can somebody help me find a way to get rid of it cuz it is disgusting. Id like to dedicate this to ilovemj.ning, mjsite and Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 month later...Michael and i are dating (obviously). And so far everything has been going well. I met his son and daughter named Prince & Paris and they are the sweetest kids. They are very mannerly for the ages of 3 & 4. Which is very impressive. They are so adorable also. I moved in with them already but Michael and i do believe that we're in love. But there arent any wedding bells coming up. Yet. I have been feeling SO sick and im a few days late on my period and it excites me cuz it might mean that i'm pregnant. Michael had to go into the recording studio and work on his album coming up called Invincible. And Prince and Paris are at their grandparent's house. So i knew it would be the perfect time to take a pregnancy test. I just hope it turns out well. I invited Megan over for someone with me just in case it turns out bad. Megan: I'll wait here while you...go. Me: Gotcha. I'll be back in a second. Megan: Take your time. I go in, pee, and go outside the bathroom with Megan waiting for the three minutes to be up. Megan: Times up. Me: Ok, here goes nothing. I go back inside and Megan stands in the doorway. I pick up the pregnancy test and my hands are shaking i'm so nervous. When i hold it up in the light and see the results, a smile forms on my face. There was a clear + sign. I was about to jump for joy. But instead i said this. Me: *happy crying* M-M-Megan....I-I'm pregnant. Megan: Oh my God! Congratulations! Me: I couldnt be happier right now. Ive wanted to be a mom forever. Megan: Harper, you deserve a child. Youve done nothing but make others lives better. You need something to make you happy now. Me: Thank you. Megan: No problem. Now you better go tell your man! Me: Youre right! I'll call him. Megan: No no NO! Youre going down to that studio to tell him in person. Me: But- Megan: NO BUTS! Now get your butt down to that studio and show him his baby mama! Megan literally shoved me out of the house and drove me to his recording studio to tell him. Cuz she knew not to trust me cuz she knew that id chicken out. When we pull in the driveway she lets me out and waited until i was in the building and then she drove away. Guess im doing this on my own. I told the secretary who i was and she let me right in. KNOCK KNOCK ???: COME IN! Me: Hey, im here to see Mr. Jackson. ???: Hold on. *clicks a button* Yo Mike! Someone's here to see ya! Michael: *opens door* Oh hey Harper! What are you doing here? Me: I need to talk to you...in private. Michael: Sure, we're rapping it up in a few minutes and we can drive home together and talk about it ok? Me: Ya ok. I wait 20 minutes while Michael recorded and tweeked a song called "Heaven Can Wait" or something. It sounded really good. Anyways, we got inside his car and started driving. I was excited and eager to tell him at the same time. Michael: So what did you want to tell me? Me: A lot. Michael: Ok well start from the beginning. Me: Well what happened a month ago. Michael: We started dating again. Me: Yaaaaa and what happened that day? Michael: You sold me that portrait of me. God, Michael is slow! Me: Yes but thats not what i mean...Ok what happened when we were in Germany 1988. Michael: We um met with each other again? Me: Sorta. What did we DO? Michael: We...OH! We made love. Me: YES! What did we do last month? Michael: MADE LOVE! I get it now! Me: YA! *thinking* Took you long enough! Michael: So what are you tying to tell me. Me: Well, before i came to the studio, i took...well remember how i havent been feeling well lately? In MJ's P.O.V. Me: Ya? Where is she going with this? Harper: Well earlier i took a pregnancy test Me: You did? Harper: Ya and...I'm pregnant. WOAH!! Back up! Harper is PREGNANT?!?!?! I am SO shocked! My eyes grow wide and millions of things are going throughout my head. Wow. I had to pull over on the highway to sort things out. And plus i need to concentrate on this than the road right now. Me: Are you sure? Harper: Positive. I was late on my period any ways. Me: Wow. Harper: What are you thinking? Me: That we're gonna have a child together. Like we were years ago. Harper: Ya. But this time i have a strong feeling that things will work out with the baby. Me: Are you excited? Harper: (pauses) Ecstatic. I smile and we kiss. This is a big deal. I'm gonna have my third child. But Harp is gonna have her first. She's probably more thrilled than i am. Which is hard to do. Because i love kids. And Harper must love them too. She's wanted one, and now, she's getting one. Like she should have always had. 9 months later... ---------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! This part was boring i know, but i was out of ideas but trust me it'll be more of a "WOAH THAT REALLY HAPPENED?!" part next time, i hope. PLZ VOTE i want AT LEAST 15 for the next part. BTW i'll be calling it "Taken for Granted part 36 continued" just to let you know. Well, BYE!!!
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